When Silence Speaks: Understanding Suppression, and Your Fertility Health

Explore how suppression impacts fertility health. Uncover the silent link between emotional wellbeing and your physical health.

The Silent Impact: How Suppression Affects Fertility Wellbeing


Imagine this: you're sitting at a family dinner, the kind where the table is laden with dishes that smell like nostalgia, yet the air is thick with unsaid things. You remember how, as a child, you were taught the art of silence—how to swallow words like they were bitter pills, to keep the peace. 

This lesson wasn't just confined to the realms of childhood but followed you like a shadow, even into adulthood. It was a rule etched into your being: little children should be seen, not heard. Don't answer back; just accept things as they are.

Fast track to recent times, and you see this script replaying in adult life, especially in challenging work scenarios. This narrative isn’t unique to you; it’s a script many of us replay, in our professional lives, within our families, often without realising the toll it takes.

The Connection to Fertility Health:

But what happens when these silent habits start talking through our fertility health? Today, let's explore this, focusing on how keeping things in can affect us, especially our immune system and fertility, and how to tell if you're doing it.

Inside Look:

Imagine your mind like a busy kitchen. Repression and suppression are like putting leftovers in the fridge. With repression, it's like you've forgotten about them entirely. They're out of sight, deep in the back, growing mouldy. Suppression, on the other hand, is when you know they're there, but you choose not to deal with them right now.

Both these habits have something in common: they keep your true feelings and memories under wraps. And just like those forgotten leftovers, they can start causing problems if you don't eventually deal with them.

Why It Matters:

So, why should we care? Well, because our bodies are smart. When we're always in "keep calm and carry on" mode, our bodies take note. For women, this can be even trickier. Our bodies might respond with things like autoimmune diseases, where our immune system gets confused and starts attacking our own body. And yes, this can mess with fertility too.

Identifying Repression and Suppression:

Here's a quick guide to figuring out if you're holding things in:

  • Yes, I'm Doing It: If you often find yourself avoiding certain memories or feelings, or if you're always the one saying "I'm fine" (even when you're not), it's a sign. It's like telling your body to "shush" when it's trying to tell you something's up.

  • No, I'm Not: If you're someone who deals with things head-on, talking about your feelings, and not letting things fester, you're likely not repressing or suppressing much. It's like keeping that fridge clean and not letting things hide in the back.

  • Boundaries: It's all about finding a balance. You don't need to spill your heart out to everyone, but acknowledging your feelings to yourself and maybe a trusted friend or professional is a good start.

Taking Action:

Feeling like you’re keeping too much bottled up? Here are some straightforward steps to begin unpacking those feelings:

  • Notice It: Begin by acknowledging when you’re pushing feelings aside or pretending all’s well.
  • Talk About It: Confide in a trusted friend or family member. Voicing your feelings can be incredibly freeing.
  • Write It Down: If verbalising is tough, jot down your thoughts. Writing provides an outlet without the pressure of external judgment.
  • Create Mini Milestones: Feeling overwhelmed? Set small, modern milestones for yourself, like acknowledging one thing you’ve been avoiding.


Keeping things bottled up can take its toll, not just on your mind, but on your body too. Learning the difference between repressing and suppressing, and finding ways to deal with what's inside, can be a game-changer for your health. Remember, it's okay to seek help and talk about it. Your feelings are valid, and acknowledging them is a step towards a healthier you.


Sarah is a skilled fertility coach who uses modern methods and proven techniques, like breathwork, hypnosis, and NLP, to improve fertility health for all ages, from puberty to perimenopause and beyond. She focuses on improving emotional and mental well-being, helping her clients find balance and clarity on their fertility journey. Gain helpful insights in just one session. Need support? Visit www.thefertilitytherapist.com.

Categories: Fertility Health