Fertility Clients

 Therapy Clients

One on One Coaching Session (Online via Zoom)


Through the dynamic fusion of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Transformational Breath, and Neuroscience, unlock the remarkable potential within you.

Who You Are

You are navigating the complex world of fertility health, longing for an approach that sees you as a whole person, not just a series of problems.
Your journey is deeply personal and unique, filled with hopes, frustrations, and the desire for something more than conventional treatments.  

You yearn for an approach that not only addresses physical needs but also delves into the subconscious elements, unraveling hidden layers that influence your overall well-being.

What You'ill Learn

Gain insights into your unique fertility journey and understand how both conscious and subconscious elements influence your overall well-being.

Uncover hidden blocks that might be affecting your fertility and learn how to align them with your physical desires.  

Access relevant hypnosis audio recordings and courses for continued learning, fostering a harmonious and informed approach to your health.

What You'ill Get

A transformative 90-minute one-on-one session with Sarah, where we'll explore different timeframes, exploring both the conscious and subconscious elements that are impacting your overall well-being.

Together, you'll chart a future path that brings alignment to your hopes, desires, and needs.  

Additionally, you'll have access to further resources that can further enhance your understanding and empower you in your pursuit of you goals.

A Peek at the *Scientific Evidence

We're pretty stunned that all private (and NHS clinics) don't offer mind body programmes!

Women who participate in a mind/body programme for stress reduction while undergoing IVF treatment have a significantly higher pregnancy rate than those who do not (52 percent versus 20 percent).

An Israeli study presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Berlin in July of 2004, demonstrated that hypnosis can effectively double the success of IVF treatments.

Baylor University demonstrated that an innovative treatment, combining mindfulness with hypnotherapy, gives incredible results!

Women who were stressed produced 20% fewer eggs during a cycle than women who were not experiencing symptoms of stress.

One study showed that biological age is affected by mindset. So your fertility thinking and behaviours matter.

Women who were stressed produced 20% fewer eggs during a cycle than women who were not experiencing symptoms of stress.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy effectiveness is greater for the treatment of anxiety and depression than other talk therapies such as CBT used within the NHS (71% compared to 42%). 

Hypnotherapy for fertility which emphasises relaxation and imagery helps facilitate pregnancy.

In a study in the USA, 16 women with amenorrhoea (absence of periods related to brain hormone production) received CBT (mindfulness) based treatment. Six of the 8 women in the CBT group resumed ovulation, while only 1 woman in the control group resumed ovulation.

Neuroscience study explains the mind-body, and placebo effect at work.

Client Testimonials

Hi Sarah ... I can hardly believe it but I am pregnant! I don't know if its the visit to you, and listening to the recordings- but amazingly we are pregnant. Very early stages but incredibly exciting, so at this stage I guess I do not require another visit. Thank you for all your time and efforts I am sure it was a major factor in my amazing news!!!!  Thank you again  - 


Hi Sarah,   I had a positive pregnancy test today!!

Have a scan on 7 Nov to check there is a sack and foetal pole but this is such a great first step! Thank you for your help - the recordings kept me going over the past week as well.


Over a span of 2 years, we sadly suffered 4 recurrent miscarriages. In the cycle immediately after our last therapy session, we fell pregnant
I am so thankful I came across Sarah, and how she was able to help me through such a tough and emotional period, all with a happy ending!


We've had a positive result this time round  I'm so grateful for our short time together. the change I felt after that first session. is why we are looking at 729 million positive pregnancy tests and counting.


Hannah & Partner

Things you might want to know about Sarah

Sarah brings nearly 15 years of experience in guiding individuals through their fertility journeys. What sets her apart? Her own personal journey with baby loss. This profound experience has deepened her understanding and empathy, enabling her to truly connect with what you're navigating.

Sarah is so much more than "just" a therapist. With a diverse and extensive background, she blends the skills of a cognitive hypnotherapist, breathwork teacher, and NLP master practitioner. But her expertise doesn't stop there. Skilled in EMDR & EFT techniques, she's adept at addressing and resolving trauma. As a coach, reiki master, and energy worker, she provides a multifaceted approach to healing. With Sarah, you get the entire package of mind-body practices, ensuring a comprehensive and holistic approach to your well-being.

Sarah isn't just dedicated to her practice; she's deeply committed to upholding the highest professional and ethical standards in her work. As a member of esteemed organisations such as the British Register of Complementary Practitioners and the International Breathwork Foundation, she ensures that her approach aligns with the best practices in the field. Beyond her professional affiliations, Sarah takes an active role in the community by serving as a trustee and holding the position of Vice Chair of Transformational Breath UK.

As the Co-Founder of The Big Breath Company (Ltd), Sarah has carved a niche for herself in the wellness community. She orchestrates retreats, workshops, seminars, and professional training events, showcasing her knowledge and expertise. Specialising in breathwork, Sarah teaches to a professional standard and regularly hosts live events, providing a unique opportunity for individuals to engage and work directly under her guidance.

Before diving into the world of holistic wellness, Sarah held a pivotal role at a leading university, overseeing the well-being of thousands of students. But her dedication to learning didn’t stop there. With post-graduate qualifications and an extensive array of certifications and accreditations to her name, Sarah proudly carries designations such as MBRCP, DipCHyp, NLPMP, HPD, PgDip, and CertTBr. Her diverse background and extensive training make her an authority in the field.

Today, Sarah enjoys a quieter rhythm. Married to a scientist, she cherishes her roles as a mother, grandmother, and dog owner to two spirited Frenchies. She calls a place just outside London home, right by Epping Forest, where nature — from deer and hawks to the everyday wonders of the wild — plays a daily role in her life.  

FAQs Working with Sarah

Once you've secured your booking and processed the payment, you can expect to hear from Sarah within 2 business working days to arrange our session. Her aim is to find a time slot that works for both within the span of 7 working days, Sarah is flexible and can adjust to various time zones if you're based outside the UK.

The preferred platform for the session is Zoom, ensuring accessibility and ease of communication. To make the most of the time together:  

Space: Find a quiet, serene space where you can relax without any disturbances.
Comfort: A bed is a suitable setting, especially if you have extra cushions to prop yourself up comfortably.
Headphones: Using headphones can enhance the clarity of our conversation and immersion into any guided practices.
Camera Positioning: It's beneficial if you can position your camera in such a way that Sarah can see as much of you as possible. This aids in ensuring optimal communication and understanding during the session.

The cost for this specific session is set at £197. For individuals seeking more extended guidance, Sarah offer comprehensive coaching packages spanning 12 months. Beyond the realm of fertility, Sarah's expertise extends to addressing a diverse range of concerns, including addictions, behavioural challenges, eating disorders, and phobias.  If you're interested in face-to-face sessions in Central London, or if you have a particular issue in mind and would like a more tailored approach, reach out. You can contact Sarah directly at for more information or to discuss specific requirements.

Currently, Sarah's courses are exclusive to her private clients. Why? 

We're in an age of information overflow. Sarah believes in providing tailored content that aligns with individual needs, ensuring
no overwhelm.  Offering her courses only to clients means she can guide you through them, increasing the likelihood of completion.  This approach ensures you don't invest in something that might not align with your needs, saving you from unwanted digital clutter.  By working directly with Sarah, she can tweak and tailor any of the course content to fit your specific requirements.  

So, while the courses aren't available for direct purchase, once you book a session with Sarah, you can access any of the courses that align with your needs or interests.

This session caters to individuals grappling with chronic stress, intense anxiety, or fertility hurdles, whether they're on the brink of motherhood or facing challenges at later stages. It's specially crafted for those who've weathered miscarriages, baby loss, or associated traumas. Whether you're venturing into assisted methods like IVF, navigating the complexities of natural conception, or experiencing a challenging pregnancy, this session is curated for your needs. Moreover, for those confronting fertility-centric health challenges, be it menopause, endometritis, or cancer, seeking tools and support, you've found your sanctuary here.

Sarah's approach melds ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific principles. If you're drawn to practices like hypnosis and breathwork that tap into elevated energy frequencies and help quieten the ever-chattering mind, then you might find a great synergy with Sarah. However, commitment is crucial. Dedicating just 15 minutes a day to these practices could be the transformative remedy you've been seeking. 

Sarah's methods are firmly rooted in a blend of time-honored traditions and cutting-edge scientific principles, spanning fields like neuroscience, hypnotherapy, somatic healing, and breathwork.

There's a plethora of research highlighting the effectiveness of hypnosis in complementing IVF treatments and the transformative power of visualisation for healing.  For a more in-depth exploration of the evidence, refer to the section above*.

Sarah has delved deep into the realms of understanding, recognising the Soul as the guiding force over the Mind and Body. While science provides invaluable insights, it doesn't possess the entirety of answers. The profound mystery of life creation, interwoven with the vastness of the universe, remains ever-enigmatic.  

Sarah's practices are crafted to address fertility challenges, guiding individuals to elevated states of consciousness. By harnessing high-frequency energy, individuals can bolster their fertility health, rejuvenate their vitality, and discover a profound sense of inner peace

Absolutely! Every individual has the capacity to respond to hypnotic suggestions, but the extent of this responsiveness can vary.

Hypnotisability is like a spectrum: some individuals are highly susceptible and can easily slip into trance states, while others may be less so.  Here's a simple gauge: if you've ever become engrossed in a fiction book, drifted into a daydream, or temporarily lost yourself in a stream of thoughts, you've experienced a trance-like state. These moments indicate that you can experience hypnosis.

Remember, trance is a daily phenomenon, and many of us frequently have moments where we momentarily detach from our immediate surroundings.  Sarah's recordings blend hypnotherapy with mindfulness elements, designed to be beneficial for a wide range of individuals. And like any skill, frequent practice can help deepen your trance experience and improve responsiveness to suggestions. However, it's worth noting that while many can deepen their trance with practice, research suggests that those with a naturally low hypnotisability might maintain that level throughout their lives.

But even for those who identify as less hypnotisable, the practice still offers benefits and can be a valuable tool for relaxation and self-awarenes

While age undeniably plays a role in fertility, it's crucial to understand the distinction between biological age and chronological age (your actual birthdate). Sarah has worked with women in their 50s, some of whom have given birth through egg donation, as well as with women in their mid-40s who have conceived naturally. Notably, in Europe, several private clinics provide IVF treatments to individuals up to the age of 55. You are the best judge of your potential, considering your specific health background and history. On a hopeful note: mind-body programmes have the power not just to enhance your fertility odds, but also to potentially slow down the aging process.

The focus of this session extends beyond the singular objective of achieving pregnancy. It dives deep into harnessing the potent mind-body connection for holistic self-healing, not just for the present but for your future as well. By promoting balance, it facilitates an environment where fertility hormones can operate optimally. It's essential to understand that each individual is unique, and sometimes the body needs time to correct and adjust itself, so specific timeframes can't be guaranteed.

Sarah also offer recordings and courses specifically designed to support those who have conception as a primary goal. While there's no definitive guarantee of pregnancy, participating in this session and utilising these resources ensures you're providing yourself with the optimal conditions and the best possible chance for conception 

Exactly. Yes how amazing is that? It's highly possible that you will fall pregnant. Please note that many of Sarah's resources are designed to enhance pregnancy and make it a calmer process.  New content will be added in the coming months to include this.